The state administration of press, publication, radio, film and television (sarft) has been deployed to press and publish radio and television programs in 2018.

2018-01-16 16:16:48 magic-china

On January 3rd and 4th, the national press and publication radio and television conference was held in Beijing in 2018. Meeting in-depth publicity and implement new era xi the ideas of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the party's 19 big spirit, the implementation of the national spirit, propaganda minister meeting summary work, 2017, analysis of the situation, task arrangement deployment of press and publication, radio, film and television in 2018. Vice minister propaganda department, the director of the state administration of press and publication, radio and television, the party secretary, national copyright administration, the central television NieChen seats on behalf of the administration of the party group in the national press and publication, radio, film and television work conference to make work report, administration of party member of tian jin, TongGang, Zhou Huilin, zhang hongsen, what is my name, Yan Xiaoming attended the meeting. Tian jin presided over the meeting and made concluding remarks.

On the morning of January 3, the participants attended the national publicity ministers' meeting and listened attentively to the important speech of the member of the standing committee of the political bureau of the CPC central committee and the secretary of the central secretariat, wang huning.

NieChen seats, points out that the central leading comrades at the national conference on propaganda minister's important speech, profoundly expounded the important thought of xi jinping, general secretary of propaganda and ideological and cultural work, and to adhere to xi jinping, the new era of Chinese characteristic socialism as the instruction, do a good job in the new era of propaganda and ideological and cultural work, strengthening party leadership of propaganda and ideological and cultural work comprehensively put forward clear requirements, we should understand and learn to in-depth implementation.

Back in 2017 the press and publication, radio, film and television work, NieChen seats, said the strong leadership of the CPC central committee with comrade xi for the core, the national press and publication, radio, film and television system firmly establish a "four consciousness", firmly adhere to the correct political orientation, propaganda guidance, value orientation, had done so successfully to meet, study, publicity, implement the party's 19 major political task, boutique creative new results were obtained in fusion development made new progress, business industry continue to grow stronger, position management strengthening, international communication ability significantly increased, industry team new atmosphere. The result obtain, xi jinping is a new era the result of the ideological guidance of socialism with Chinese characteristics, is the result of the correct leadership of the CPC central committee and the state council and the central propaganda department, the national press and publication, radio and television system is a highly motivated, responsible, innovative and progressive results.

NieChen seats, stressed that the party's 19th was the new location, press and publication, radio, film and television work calibration new coordinates, a new dimension, requires us to further understand aim, responsibility, bear, efforts to create new atmosphere in the new era, new as implementation. We should always adhere to the guiding principle of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era of xi jinping, and be a firm believer and practitioner of the latest achievements of marxism in China. We will always adhere to the correct political orientation and public opinion orientation, and resolutely implement the system of responsibility for ideological work. We will always adhere to people-oriented work orientation and strive to meet the new expectations of the people for a better life. We will continue to pursue high-quality development and speed up the building of a powerful press and publication radio and television industry. We will always adhere to the innovation drive and constantly stimulate the dynamic vitality of the continuous and healthy development of the press and publication radio and television industry.

For the 2018 press and publication radio and television work, nie chenxi made 5 aspects of deployment:

One is continuously carry out publicity xi new era the ideas of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the party's 19 great spirit lead in-depth, to continue learning to know, have a good grasp of, do solid work, singing loudly and new era, new era let xi the ideas of socialism with Chinese characteristics has become a leading us forward spirit of ideological banner, banner, make learning publicity and implement the party's 19 big spirit become the theme of the party most loud in the whole society, the most high vigor.

Second, we will create high-quality work to provide people with more high-quality and rich spiritual food. We will carry out in-depth implementation of the press and publication radio, film and television quality planning, focus on the realistic themes, and work hard to promote the high-quality work of the new era. We should improve the mechanism of regulation and support and expand the dissemination of outstanding works of the main theme. We should strengthen copyright protection and stimulate innovation to create creative vitality.

Third, we will accelerate optimization and upgrading and promote the high-quality development of the business sector. We will further deepen reform, strengthen scientific and technological innovation, and promote the organic integration of the Internet, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and news and publishing radio and television. We will improve public services, continue to promote key projects such as radio and television households, rural film screenings, and rural bookshops, and improve the effectiveness of public services through innovative thinking.

Fourth, strengthen the position management, firmly grasp the ideological work leadership of the leadership of the right to speak. To adhere to the correct political orientation, a clear-cut stand against and resist all sorts of wrong idea, implement the overall national security concept, strengthen security ability, in-depth implementation of management innovation, increase the efficiency of the scientific management.

Fifth, deepen international communication, focus on good Chinese stories, and enhance international voice and influence. To highlight value orientation, do bright "go out" content. We will improve the mode of transmission, enhance the effectiveness of the implementation, and continue to promote the optimization and upgrading of the silk road film and television bridge, silk road book and other projects. In order to improve the work pattern, we will use platforms such as the international festival exhibition and the "China film · universal exhibition" to enable more high-quality products and services to occupy the international market.

Nie chenxi pointed out that the communist party of China (CPC) stressed the core role of party leadership and put forward the overall requirements and eight key tasks of the party's construction in the new era. In the field of press and publication, radio, film and television, pipe party party and direction guide is completely consistent, the party's construction and business development is the intrinsic interlinked, must adhere to the party is at the head of the CPC, to grasp business, embodies the party's leadership to the various aspects, the whole process. We should maintain a high level of consensus on the political, political, political, political and political principles, and the CPC central committee with comrade xi jinping as the core. We should press ahead with the party's main responsibilities and promote the development of the party in a comprehensive way. We should strive to improve the ideological and political quality of the team, and create a team of people with strong political, professional, disciplined, principled and competent personnel.

NieChen seats, stressed that the new era gives new mission responsibility press and publication, radio, film and television industry, press and publication, radio, film and television system to unite more closely around the party central committee with comrade xi as the core, don't forget the beginner's mind, keep in mind the mission, and constantly create a new era of press and publication, radio, film and television work new situation, new era for the team to build a well-off society in an all-round way, to seize the great victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics to make new greater contributions.

TAG:   The state administration of press, publication, radio, film and television (sarft) has been deployed to press and publish radio and television programs in 2018.